
The Difference Between Bat Speed and Bat Velocity

 It is crazy how the diamond sports world of softball and baseball is falling in love with metrics.  There is exit velocity, spin rate, launch many metrics.  Let me say two things about metrics.  I personally do love them.  They tell me a lot about the hitter and I have learned a lot about hitting by just observing the metrics of really good hitters and hitters that aren't really good.   However, there are so many components that go into the ability to be a very good hitter that can't be measured.  Always has been and always will.  So, balance is the key.  Don't fall in love with Metrics to the point you don't use your eyes or your instincts. With this said, let's talk about two metrics that we now have the ability to measure and are very important to the success of a hitter.   Bat Speed and Bat Velocity .  First a general definition of each: Bat Velocity:    Many call this bat speed.  I like to ...

The Rule of the Ten Thousand to a Better Swing!

Hitters! Are you willing and are you able to put in the work to improve?  Yes?  Well then.  Do you know what kind of work is required?  I have said, for years.  It takes 10,000 reps to change something in the swing for a hitter.  The objective is to get your swing to the point it becomes organic....natural.  Without thinking.  The ball takes around 4 tenths* of a second to get to the plate from the pitchers' release point.  Then, it takes a little less than 2 tenths* of a second for you to swing.  This does not include your load.  It is just your approach forward with your bat.  This isn't a lot of time and certainly is too fast for you to actually think about what your body is doing.  It has to become organic! To become organic, it has to be done without thinking about it, and to accomplish this you must repeat the skill so frequently that it becomes boring.  This is when we are changing our muscle memory. ...